Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Twitchhiking the globe

Today I was overwhelmed by the amount of social networking sites and applications available worldwide right now. Seriously. I can't keep up. Just when I think I'm on top of things, I realize that there are at least three or four more social media that have popped up while my back was turned.

Unfortunately, I'm still getting used to Twitter and trying to figure out how to best use it to suit my needs. I know how it works for newspapers and for social junkies, but as far as what I can use it for - well, that answer is still eluding me.

However, it's not a challenge for Paul Smith, writer for the UK's Guardian.

Smith, known to Twitter-goers as @twitchhiker, will travel around the world in 30 days. But here's the catch: he's going to use nothing but Twitter to find lodging, food, destinations, and anything else he might need along the journey.

If it sounds like a crazy idea, that's probably because it is. It'll be worth it to keep an eye on this guy starting March 1.

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