Wednesday, February 11, 2009

25 random ways to boost traffic

I wish I had spent this morning tribal dancing under a mango tree. Instead I was stranded in the office with a slow computer and a faulty wireless network - neither of which were conducive to getting my work done.

There's a trend on Facebook right now to participate in a meme known as 25 Random Things About Me, and then send it to everyone you know. If you've happened to log into Facebook at some point in the past two or three weeks, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

While usually I find chain mail-type things like this rather intrusive and annoying, I read an article today about how this meme is actually helping Facebook by sending a huge increase in traffic to its "Notes" section, which had been lagging behind in popularity. It's also providing psychologists and sociologists with useful new information about today's generation.

However, Hell will freeze over before I fill one of those things out. There already aren't enough hours in the day.

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