Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The job search (really) begins

In accordance with Lent, I've decided to apply for a job every day for the next 40 days.

So for my first job, I present:

The Gannett Talent Development Program

This one is secretly my favorite (although not so secret anymore). They're looking for graduating seniors with journalism backgrounds to come work for community newspapers around the country and learn the ropes to successfully function in today's digital journalism environment. It starts out as a full-time internship-esque experience that eventually develops into a full-time employment opportunity with a Gannett newspaper.

If you're interested, you'd better get on it. The last day to apply is Friday (February 27, 2009). There are many different areas to focus in - marketing, multimedia journalism, sales, finance - and four different regions to choose from - Northeast, South, Midwest and West. And the only real requirement you need in order to apply is a driver's license.

Sound too good to be true? To me, yes. But that didn't stop me from applying anyway!

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