Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The rise of interns

I just rifled through a listserve email of journalism job openings and something occurred to me: this is the age of interns.

Practically every listing was looking for an intern. Multimedia intern. Editorial intern. PR intern. Sales intern. Magazine intern. Intern, intern, intern.

Of course, this is great news for freshmen and sophomores. Where you used to have to pull teeth to get a good internship, now they're abounding in a variety of interesting areas of the country. I predict the resumes of 2012 graduates will be rockin'.

However, for soon-to-be-graduates like me, this is not-so-good news. I'm tired of free labor. As a matter of fact, I can no longer afford free labor. It was great for gaining experience during college - for beefing up my resume. Now? Now I just want a job. And unfortunately, only two of about the thirty listings that I went through today were actual paying jobs. Back to the drawing board. Again.


Unknown said...

Saw you on Augusta Lounge. I recently graduated an am also pursuing a career in journalism. I had three...yes...three internships before graduating and looking for a job. Thankfully, only one was unpaid, but you would be surprised at the number of jobs which I applied to after these internships that offered me not the original job, but an unpaid internship. I wanted to tell people "Sure, I'll work for free when food and gas is free."

Kelly Ann said...

Ha! I know what you mean, Yam. Out of five internships now (I graduate in May), two have been paid and three have been unpaid. I feel like it doesn't really matter while you're in school because most students don't necessarily need and can't really handle a full-time job on top of school. School IS your job. But I agree 100% - once you're out, it's time for an income.

Give Augusta my best!