Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Anxious to be 100% journalist

I'm aghast that I haven't posted in a week. I feel like the antithesis of a journalist, who's supposed to be a provider of information. I haven't been providing any information. Of course, I'm technically only a journalist about 25 percent of my time. The other 75 is split among classes, two choirs, National Issues Forums, being the coordinator of the Catholic Student Association, and working in a lab for the computer science department. When I put it on (virtual) paper, it's kind of overwhelming.

But enough of my excuses. Let's get down to business.

First of all, this lady is amazing.

Secondly, I got a little taste of reality last week. The newspaper company that I worked for this summer and that I basically pledged my allegiance to is having major financial issues. It's no question that they'll pull out of it. They can definitely weather this economic storm; they just made a few mistakes that are hurting them now. No, I'm confident in the company. The question is, when will they pull through? Will they be able to financially support me when I enter the job market in May? Let's just say I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket.

So I've gotten some resume advice and as soon as I have a free minute, I'll sit down and document all of the amazing opportunities I've been given in this field. I'm not going to exhaust any of my contacts. I'm going to send out resumes and emails and phone calls until the cows come home. I don't care where I end up - Alaska, New Jersey, Arkansas, Florida, Texas (actually, the cows may actually come home there). I'm not picky at this point. I just want to find a place to plant my journalism roots - all of my roots, not 25 percent of them - and get a firm start on the management track that I've chosen for myself.

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